Jeremiah: Let's do something different for our shot.
Me: I don't know, Jeremiah. What do you mean different?
J: Like, jump up right here and I'll hold you.
Me: Maybe you haven't seen how tight my dress is...and are you sure you can catch me?

J: Are you seriously going to stand there and talk smack like I can't hold you up?? Have you seen me lately? Do you think your husband is weak? Just jump.
In all that talk, guess who forgot to take into account the length of her dress? And look who is totally oblivious and proud of himself :)
Our girls went to Dothan this weekend for some adventures on the farm, while I went away with a few friends, and Jeremiah...worked (bless his heart). However, I came home around lunch yesterday and we had the entire afternoon and night to just hang out together sans les enfants!
It's not like we don't ever get babysitters, but when we do, there is always something specific planned. Not yesterday. It's hard to explain how fun it was to just be in the house together, eat lunch and not dodge food being thrown by the Dapples, or answer Pace's questions about how the world works. We went to a movie, just because we could. And then, while the entire nation watched the Saints win the Super Bowl, we decided to skip the party we were supposed to attend and go somewhere for a quiet dinner...even dessert. When he left for work this morning, we were both sad. It felt just a little bit like when we were first married and I cried every time he walked out the door. Sometimes, it's good to be reminded that I don't just live with my husband, I live with my best friend. Who else can make me laugh like picture 2?? :)
LOVE this post, Abby. The pics by Bryan are great (I'm a big fan of his work).
And I'm so glad that y'all were able to spend some time together yesterday. Michael and I have been trying to pack in lots of QT lately for before the little one arrives in just 15 weeks!
Those pictures are hilarious. I love the look on your face as you are trying to hold onto your dress. Priceless. Pictures like that truly capture the moment of a very fun night.
Stinkin HILARIOUS!!! I love it!!! Your faces tell it all!!!! Glad you had a great weekend!!! Girl time and hubby time are both important and refreshing!!!!
I love the pictures. You look so pretty and your hair looks so pretty long. It's fun to laugh that hard!! I'm glad you had a good weekend. I can completely hear Jeremiah talking like that, because Wayne always lets me listen to Jeremiah's voice mails and they are so funny: )!
Good one abs! the captions fit the photos so well - i can imagine your dialogue :) hope you finished all that paperwork!
Love it! I can totally imagine the whole scene. Well, I guess I don't have to because you gave us pictures, but you know what I mean! Love your faces in that last one. Ha ha!!
hehe. those make me laugh! especially the last one :)
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