My baby sister, Kendall, has been dating Watson for seven years
Watson's family has a sure exactly what you call it...and it spreads across a whole lot of acres just south of town.

As you wind back through the fields of Southern Cattle Company there is a lot of beauty to take in

BUT, in the last pasture there is a hidden treasure. It's one of the few places I've been to that stirs an awe within me that I can only describe as--magical.

I guess it's the shock of the unexpected. The cypress trees that you expect to be growing out of murky water, are towering over a pristine blue oasis.

And if you look closely you can see that there are caves--stretching almost a mile deep in that cold water. It's eery and beautiful, and when encountered alone, could inspire a man to write poetry he didn't even know he could write.

When encountered with family,

It can inspire a whole lot of fun :)

After all that fun, everybody had quite an appetite. So, we moved the party back into the pasture for a picnic and some football.

and rest :)
oh Abby, what a wonderful time that must have been!!!! I long for a time when I can go back to Dothan and just "wander" around, remembering the times I once had... not that these times are bad, they are wonderful and full of much more joy and suprises that I could ever ask for. But since my parents have moved, I NEVER get back and I'm afraid I will one day forget!!!
This may be one of my favorite posts. Love what you wrote and the photos that told a story. Oh my gosh- heavenly!
Makes me excited about us moving back to my hometown after residency!
And yes, we will mourn the loss of the fabulous restaurants that Bham has to offer! :)
beautiful, abby. love the sweet sisters in bed!
Beautiful Abby!! Hate I missed the beauty, fun, and fellowship :) Thankful you all had the "perfect" weekend together:))
What a FABULOUSA blog! Abby, your pictures have just become amazing!!! you are doing a wonderful job darlin! So enjoyed seeing this!
Dear Abby, You sure said it ALL!!!! I feel the same way about Dothan, and leaving her behind. If PIC's could talk...yours would shout, love, and peace to be found on the farm! I wish you much joy and peace while traveling for the next yr. or so. It's going to be very different, but thrilling, too! Enjoy the ride and embrace home, too! Love, G
I have never posted before but came across your blog through a friend of mine and yours, Jenny Sollie. Your posts are always so wonderful to read and this one was even more special. I have never been to Dothan (grew up in SC and live in bham now) but that post makes me want to visit!
I also wanted to tell you that I believe I saw your sisters and daughters eating at El Cazador awhile back :) I was there with my daughter and husband and you could not mistake those beautiful blond girls of yours....they are even cuter in person!
Thanks for letting us read!
Abby, Can I come next time?! :) I won't whoop on you... promise! That water looks divine!
Great pictures and great post...WOW!! And, that rest is the best kind:)
FYI -Your oriental follower has inappropriate material on their comment/blog. I know you would find it very offensive. I would delete or block them so others do not discover what I did.
ABBY, please, delete the oriental commenter! Their comments are not appropriate for a Christian family blog. I believe you would find the website it leads to be very unaccepting. I clicked to see if they had an interesting blog. Disappointed that it opens to a very offensive site!!!
I want to be there now! the water looks amazing!
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