I am feeling much less sad. I've only cried once this week--so far. It was when Jeremiah told me he had yet another night-time committment this week, and I realized that our last family meal in our house had passed without me knowing it. Probably a good thing I didn't know it was happening--I would have just squelched the moment by crying like I have with so many other supposed-to-be-happy moments over the last month.

Jeremiah graduates from Orthopedic residency this Saturday night. Oh my! I truly did not think we'd ever reach this day. Then, on Sunday we'll take our last few things, do a bit more cleaning, and be officially O.U.T.

I'm spending an extra couple of nights at Ashley's house so that I can go to one more book club on Monday night. I just can't quite let it go, can I? We'll be in Dothan for 3 weeks while Jeremiah studies for his boards and we soak up some time with family. I'm feeling like our family and friends will all be well-saturated with our good-byes by the time we actually start the train moving west. We are planning to do that actual cleaving on July 12th.

Just thought I'd let yall know what's going on. Still borrowing a computer. I think I'm going to walk into the Computer Doctor today and demand my computer be given back. I may be willing to use brute force. Don't mess with an emotional woman's computer :)

Thanks for the flowers Katy! This was truly a life altering blog. What am I even rambling about? I'm not coming back until I have something to actually say :)
Don't be sad...I know it's hard though!! Keep your chin up...joy comes in the morning!
I'm so glad you posted. I know its hard saying goodbye! I am thinking about you guys and can't wait to hear about your life in Seattle. Congrats to Jeremiah!!!
Oh Abby,
I know this time is hard for you. We have lived far away (not as far as you are going) at two different times, and both were extremely different places than we had ever been exposed to, but we got through it knowing it was temporary. We just saw moving somewhere different as a cool life experience that you'll remember always.
Take care and enjoy your time with family and friends the next few weeks!
And by the way, I'm a "crier" like you! Once I start, I can stop!! But it's good to let those emotions out!
I love the sunflowers! i am so glad to hear from you!!!! You are too cute! Want to go to Walmart together with our Market Totes while you are in Dothan? ;) Maybe something more festive!
When your dad and was a young boy (and myself as well), there were several westerns that were popular on TV...and this was BC (before Color). There was Gunsmoke, Palladin and Wagon Train. Wagon Train was about the adventures of a group of cowboys whose job it was to guard a group of settlers going west. They, of course, would circle the wagons at night for protection and the next morning when all was ready, the trail boss would shout to the rider in front...."Head 'em up! Move 'em out!" Which meant they were supposed to fall in behind the lead wagon and follow in a single line.
Not that we're old enough to remember that or anything, you understand! :)
Godspeed on your trip!
Dear Abby, My prayers are with Y'all these next couple of weeks. I know how your heart must have mixed feelings. Congrats to Jeremiah, and you, too! YOU both made it! It was a lot of hard,daughting work to get this far down the road. NOW....you both move on ahead and see what Gods plans are for you both and your sweet, sweet girls. Just enjoy your Dothan time. You will soon understand--- how special, special, all those living down that way...truly, truly are. I found out the moment I left Bama. So many new doors for you to open. Life is such a sweet, sweet gift! Stop and smell the flowers along the way! It's all good! Love, G
I am kicking myself for not coming here sooner! Sloan gave me your address a loooong time ago - as in, December, I think. I put the scrap of paper aside in my car (seriously, it's a miracle it is still here) and just now found you! So glad I did!
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