We had a lot of fun this weekend. Jeremiah was on call (Which I've learned to love now that he's a 5th year resident, because it means we have to stay close to home, but he
usually doesn't get called in too much.) and we had lots of friends and family stop in to visit, or stay the night, or eat, or play music:

There were also some very unusual dancers spotted:

While all the craziness was fun, my favorite part of the weekend was Friday night, after the tiny dancers were put to bed. Two of Jeremiah's best friends (since high school kind of best friends) were in town for a big Christian conference. They had just listened to, and been enthralled by a man who went through Genesis 1 and attempted to reconcile it with science.
There were six of us grown-ups cozy in our den, with a fire popping in the fireplace, and drinks in our hands, as we talked through the thoughts and feelings we'd held on Genesis as children and as adults. We had the minds of two medicine men and one archaeologist amongst us, who shed new light on all sorts of ideas and concepts that I had either never known or forgotten. Things like macro vs. micro evolution, mutation at the cellular level, moths in England who changed colors, The Flood and what that meant for turtles and people groups :)...But to spend a Friday night in adult, mind stimulating conversation, with people who love the Lord and wanted to spend a weekend night probing His mysteries, was just magnificent...and I told them so as we all filed off to bed.
The next morning at breakfast, the tiny dancers were back and the adults were trying to have grown-up conversation, but it was frustrating as always. So I, in an attempt to join the two worlds, looked at Pace and Mary Aplin and said, "Show Tommy and Justin the monkey faces we've been working on!"

Then, I proceeded to, very seriously, show them mine, and ask to see theirs.

Tommy looked at me and said, "Just last night you were telling us how wonderful it was to have some adult conversation...and look where you're leading our conversation now!" :) I think this picture may prove that macro-evolution is, indeed, possible! (I am totally kidding, and if you don't get that little joke, don't worry, I'm the one who had to ask somebody to explain what the difference in those were on Friday night.
Here's what wicki has to say, if you want to know.)
1 comment:
Anything is more fun with a monkey face! For sure...
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