Now, I've been scouring the internet, pestering every friend of a friend who lives over there, and emailing pictures and prices to my husband day and night. I just started and already he gets a glazed-over expression every time the word "house" comes to my lips--knowing that a long list of pros and cons is about to spill out of my mouth.

You see, I love houses. I think my love has multiplied because in almost every old book I read (and you all know there are a lot of them :)), the homes are characters unto themselves. They are such a part of the family and life and heart of the characters, that you cannot separate them. Somehow, I've started to feel this way too. Have you ever noticed that when I post about my house, I refer to her as a her. It's because she most certainly is a lady. At times cantankerous, occasionally in need of correction, but always a sturdy and loving accomplice to our lives.

And another thing...a thing I hesitate to share with you...a thing I've been pondering in my heart. Oh well, I'll just admit it. I've made it my goal to finish my book while we're in Seattle. I feel like God has sort of carved out this time and place for just that goal. Both the girls will be in "school" for at least a few hours a couple of days a week. Jeremiah is probably going to be working a lot. Then there is Seattle itself--rainy, and full of good coffee and old book shops...whenever I picture us living there, I see myself sitting at a desk, with a hot cup of coffee warming my hands, gazing out a rain-splashed window at the city and ocean and mountain peaks in the distance, with my book growing steadily day by day in front of me.

If there's anyone out there with any Seattle suggestions, I'd be ever so thankful.
How so very exciting! Ever since I watched the movie Sleepless in Seattle I have loved the city. I've never been, but it's close enough to Vancouver, BC (where my dad used to live) that I got a close taste of it. Beautiful. Breathtaking.
So you're writing a book? How awesome! Have you ever came across the Books and Writers Community on Compuserve? (Located at: http://community.compuserve.com/ws-books )
I frequent it because one of my favorite authors (Diana Gabaldon) spends a lot of her time there dicussing her books and offering advice to other writers. In fact, there are a bunch of published writers on there, all so generous with their advice for new writers. CHeck it out! I would imagine it'd be nice to a have a support group during the writing process.
Cheers, from Bon in Toronto :)
hey abbs - i was quite positive that your first photo was a clip taken from new moon but i couldn't find bella or edward :)
i am excited for you and your fam - i hope we can come visit yall there!!!
Praying for you in the sale of your home, purchase of another and the timing of it all.
I know it will be a fantastic move for yall and GOd will do so many amazing things in your life during this time! I have moved a lot and God has always been faithful to our family and had taught me so much.
I am SO excited Natalie and Wayne are moving back!!!! Have a great day!
You are going to LOVE living in Seattle. I will ask my aunt who lived there about neighborhoods and great places to look. I'm so excited for you guys! You may not EVER want to leave :) Good luck on your book. Can't wait to read it.
Abby, Do you read any of the novels, by Deborah McClombie? They are romance novels mostly.She writes for Guide Post, too. Well,I met her about five yrs. ago while living in Florida. She has a summer home in Verdo Beach. She lives in Yakima, WA. close to Seattle. She is so lovely and I know you would adore meeting her! I met her while she was visiting a Knit Club I belonged to. She came one day, and we didn't know anything about her. She is so sweet, kind, and loving. We were all shocked to find out later...how famous she is! You can e-mail her and introduce yourself to her. She is so down to earth, and I promise, you will really enjoy meeting this woman. Also, my daughter, just left Seattle. They lived, there, for about four yrs. I will gladly give you her e-mail and I know she can direct you to where to live, shop, etc. I think this will be the place for you to write that book! I can just see you now in the coffee shops and getting this book going! Step out, dear, and write away! It will be a best seller! I just know that Deborah will help you! Remember you made those sweet tea towels for my daughter? Just net-work and let God direct your path! I am so excited about this up-and coming book! We went to Vancouver and loved it! Sooo much to see and do and you will enjoy it all! It's very different than the South. Yes, it is very costly, but you will manage. If I can be of any help let me know.
It will be home and the coffee will be nice. It is all ready, 'she' has secretes she will whisper as you write. I love old settings too. I have found a location, a view, a "feeling" is what can prompt some of our best thoughts and writing. I know the process can be hard (writing and moving) both stretch us and grow us. I hope for you a niche that makes you feel warm and secure as your story unfolds...I have no doubt it will be marvelous. I can't wait to see where the Lord takes you and if it is indeed Government housing, then it is what it is.
I am excited to check out the site Bon recommended.
I know...I know...
I did just blog though, so I only missed one day :)
What are we going to do around here without you!?!? Don't leave!!!
I'm excited for you, though, and only a tad envious of such a great adventure. Make sure to get a big enough house for 9 visitors :)
Abby...it was good to run into you the other day at the mall! I heard somewhere that you were writing a book!
It'll be great to see the finished product! Good luck with selling your house too..it's cute and quaint so hopefully someone will grab it quick!
Take care!
Abby-Seattle is amazing! It does get alittle dreary @ times but there are so many fun things to do. They have the market downtown-farmers market, fresh flowers, fish, veggies.. and if you ever need sun..San Diego is just a flight away..(southwest) best deals. Enjoy!! I am looking forward to moving out west one day...again...
Abby -
You don't know me (one of the anonymous stalkers) but I have a friend from college who lives in Seattle and absolutely loves it. If you want her name and info, email me at blackburn.jb@gmail.com. (My name is Jenny :-)
I love your house...so full of character..your description makes me want to be there sipping coffee..I feel like my life has been so chaotic that I have gotten lost in the shuffle..I don't take the time to do what's important, the simple things in life...your blog makes me want to do that...I can't wait to read your book...I think it will be fabulous...what do you want to write about?
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