I am waiting for the "real" pictures (that a professional took, and I hope will have one of me crossing that finish line) to come out before I do another post about the marathon. In the meantime, I thought I'd show you what we did this Halloween morning.
Jeremiah is on call this weekend. I thought that pumpkin carving would be a job left to Daddy.
After all it's a bit nasty

AND if you did a comparison of who was better at operating a large knife under pressure (like a 2 yr old trying to grab the knife from you and a 4 yr old trying to stick her hands inside the pumpkin)...he would most definitely win.

But, when he left this morning with three surgeries planned from overnight (Halloween
does bring out the freak shows) and who knows what coming in today, I realized it was going to be left up to Mommy this year.
All things considered, I was pretty happy with our little guy in the end.
And so were the girls :)
When I started making scary noises, the girls felt the need to state their dominance

Once they were sure he knew his place, Mary
Aplin decided to welcome him in a way all her own :)

Finally, we took
Darby's advice and roasted the seeds...Now
nobody's pumpkin is safe from my knife :) They are DELICIOUS!!!!!!! Even the girls ate them up.

Did any other child of the 80s grow up with a "real" popcorn machine. The kind you plugged in on the counter, filled with oil and kernels, and then WATCHED the magic happen. That is what these seeds tasted like to me. I felt like I was back, sitting on the counter top, with brown linoleum visible between my swinging feet.
Ummmm, I can taste that popcorn now. WATCH OUT FOR YOUR PUMPKINS :)
The PIC's of the girls...PRICELESS! Sooooo cute! Hope they get a lot of TREATS and NO Tricks! :D) Have fun tonight! Can't wait to see what they wear! I miss our family on holidays the most! Safe trick and treating!
So cute. I just realized that Michael was on call with Jeremiah today when I asked who else spent their lovely Saturday in the OR!
The pictures are so cute!! Looks like the girls had fun! The seeds look oh so yummy! :) Have fun tonight :)
We should have trick-or-treated at your house tonight! I just thought about that. I guess y'all would have been out trick-or-treating and wouldn't have been there anyway. Sipsey had a BLAST! I hope your girls had fun too! This is a fun neighborhood to trick-or-treat in. Hope y'all didn't get any of the teenagers I saw "dressed up" in white Ts and baggy jeans! :)
Those little pumpkins in the brown pants are the cutest of all!!! : ) I know they had so much fun carving their pumpkin!! Can't wait to see pictures of them as little fairies : ) : )
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