I am really sorry that I haven't given an update on Mom in so long. You all prayed with us about Gene Hall and I have left you hanging with the results. Life has just been a whirlwind.
First the trip to Savannah: Mom and Dad went to Savannah and met with Gene Hall on Friday night. He told them that God had confirmed to him, and to some other people in his prayer team, throughout the day that He was going to heal her. He said that he had a churning in his stomach that always preceded God's anointing. On Saturday morning, the day of the healing service, Mom was so sick that she could hardly lift her head off of the pillow. When they arrived to meet Gene, he told Dad that he'd never asked a spouse to come in the room before, but God had given him a vision that morning of Dad being in the room as well. They praised God for 4 1/2 hours! and during that time Gene's hands became warm with God's healing power more than he had ever experienced before. He laid his hands on Mom (and Dad) several times and they both felt the great heat coming from them. At one point, he lied face down on the floor beside Mom and started weeping. She asked him if something was wrong and he said that God had given him a vision of Mom giving her testimony about her healing and fire coming from her mouth.
I think that we (our family and friends) were all expecting an immediate and total healing, and apparently that was not God's plan. Mom left the healing still feeling very weak and displaying all the physical symptoms of her cancer. However, Gene seemed happy with the day's result. He has said since that God has confirmed to him that the healing power is in her. I am telling you what happened, but I am afraid I can't tell you that I understand what God is doing. I only know that He is a mighty God and His ways are perfect. Gene told Mom and Dad that the last person he laid hands on, did not receive complete healing until two weeks later.
Now: I am in Dothan with both of our little girls. Mom has been really sick. Really sick. However, God has still shown us his great love through his people, and we are still waiting for His healing. As mom said so beautifully Sunday night as she pointed towards heaven and addressed God himself, "I know what you told me, you gave me Luke 5 and Matthew 8 (the passages about Jesus healing the leper), and you are not a man that you could lie."
So, I am planning on being here until God heals her. I do want to make clear here that God is not on trial... We are all just trying to follow Him as best we know how, but we are human--imperfect, and no matter what, God is Sovereign. I know that there are no two people I would rather be following into this battle than Mom and Dad, and now I would ask you to continue to pray for God's healing power to be released within her. Jesus told his disciples (when they had been unable to heal someone) that their faith had not been great enough. With faith as small as a mustard seed, they could move mountains. So all I know to do is to have faith/believe what God has told Mom, Dad, my Grandma (and many others) and wait for our powerful God to move the mountain
I just wanted to let you know that I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and have been following it. Your mom and family are in my prayers. Your faith is inspirational and I pray that your entire family is able to find peace soon. Continue to rejoice...
-Jillian (Pruitt) Scott
I'm believing God for your mom's healing! Praise Him!
Love, Joy Jonas
Your entire family are so special. We are praying for your mom and have great admiration for all of you! I believe in miracles!
Karen Wessner and
Elizabeth Williams
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! You are on my heart and in my prayers, as always. Sharon T
We are beliving!!!
I just wanted to let you know how much you have all been in our prayers. You truly have such an amazing family, and I am so grateful you are able to have this time with your mom (and get to have Mary Applin there and out of the hospital). We love you and are praying God's blessing for all of you.
Lynsey Anne and Russ
Abby, you have so many people that love you and your sweet mom. Please know that we are praying.
We pray for your mom and each of you by name everyday in our prayers. I don't know much but do know His gifts and plan are perfect (James 1:17). I pray that "your hearts may be enlightened so you will know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glory and the greatness of His power." (Ephesians 1:18-19). Only wish we were there with you so we could hold you tight..Much love, The Hartsfield's
Abby, We are praying and trusting!! love you, Darby
I stumbled upon your blog and had to let you know that all of y'all are in our thoughts and prayers. We truly and deeply hope and pray for your mom's healing and for all of you to have the strength and grace to get through these stressful times. May God shine his light upon you and fill you with his power. God bless!
Meredith (Nailen) Agan
I just wanted to let you know the Rice's are praying for your mother's healing. God can do amazing things. Nothing is too big for Him. Please let me know if there is anything we can do for you all.
-Valerie (Corrie) Rice
Abby, I am praying for your precious parents. God is such a good God. He is giving us what we ask and believe for. With a grateful heart,
Dear Abby,
Your Mom & Dad have instilled in you girls faith that can move mountains. I think this became so evident to me first when your mom came to share her testimony at our women's retreat a few years ago and again at your wedding rehersal dinner when so many people stood up to share what Becky and Ken have meant to them over the years - their warm welcome into their home, their willingness to listen, pray, encourage, and share the wisdom God has bestowed on them. Can I just say before Thanksgiving I felt such strong conviction to be in constant prayer for Becky as well the entire family. Not just prayer, but praise. After having the opportunity to visit with your mother and see the entire Sollie family gathered for the family holiday I have to share with you my prayer these days since then...I have chills about it now after reading your blog. I didn't even know your blog existed - Grandmother Sollie had not told me and apparantly Mother and Don do not know about it either. I didn't even know about your mom and dad going to a healer! But this was my prayer - "Lord, YOU are the one can heal. You are the one who can take that which is sick and make it perfectly well. You showed us in Your word that those who believe that You can heal if it is Your will receive Your healing of either themselves or their family. Father if it is Your will, please show us this miracle, show us the healing of Becky. Father, she has already testified about how great your are on so many occassions these last 14 years, the family is firmly rooted in You and they believe. Can You just imagine what this miracle will do for the people who have been blessed to know Ken and Becky and their girls? You know, God, Becky will not just testify about your greatness as she has done before scripture after scripture, but she will do it from the MOUNTAINTOPS! Father, show us Your will, show us this miracle that we all have been fervantly praying for, heal Becky, make her whole and as a result may it reach people beyond our comprehesion."
Abby, you are so precious. Your children are a reflection of the beauty of both you and your mother. May the Lord bless your days as you sit beside your Mom expecting God to show up with the miracle we know only He can perform! The faith that can move mountains will serve you well!
On His Journey,
Michelle Watkins
Hey Abby,
I'm new to the blogging thing, but found yours on Elizabeth Estess's site. I just wanted to tell you I'm praying for your precious family & your mom. I am encouraged and inspired by your faith & true reliance on the Lord. I will continue to pray for you guys & believe that the Lord certainly has His hand in everything. Continue to be strong...
Courtney (Lukens) Baxley
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