Eventually, I got the nast (mostly) out, loaded the girls in the car, and managed to go from one hour early to 10 minutes late for the first day. As we walked in, Pace's eyes wandered over to her class (and teacher) from the year before. Now, we've been building up the new class and new teacher at our house for a solid month, but suddenly all thoughts of anything new being good were thrown out the window. She ran up to Mrs. Denise (last year's teacher), clung to her leg like a vice and begged to come to her class. Meanwhile, Mrs. Debbie (the new teacher) is doing her best to sell her charms and both teachers are inquisitive as to why she's soaking wet. So, I proceeded to try and explain about the bird poo situation while also holding the very amused Mary Aplin and dragging the very distraught Pace into the proper room. The "Hold me, Mommy, HOLD me!" chant has begun from the damp child, and I give in. One hip is holding Mary Aplin, the other hip is holding Pace, and my mind is cursing the high wedge shoes I'd chosen to try and make my own good impression on the first day. Pace has broken into tears at this point, and I have moved from cajoling to stern, "Pace Maddox, you stop that crying or we're going to the bathroom and we're going to have a LONG talk. This is Mrs. Debbie, you've been so excited about her, and you better get down right now and show her how sweet you can be."
Poor Mrs. Debbie, who was still trying hard to win Pace's affection, reached out to pry her from my arms (while not actually making contact with the wet poo poo back of her dress) and what did my daughter do? She grabbed onto my ponytail and wouldn't let go. I was being drug towards Mrs. Debbie's arms by my HAIR, when the school director came in and told me to just go, she would call my cell phone in ten minutes if Pace hadn't calmed down. "Don't worry!" she assured me. "All the other kids did the same thing on their first day." Thanks for the encouragement, but I'd be willing to bet all the other Mom's didn't get their hair ripped out by the roots. I was humiliated. I was one of those Moms who don't have control over their children in public.
I went home, and a few minutes later got a phone call telling me that Pace had cheered up almost immediately after I left. Then, four extremely short hours later :), I went to pick her up, and y'all the child was dressed like a princess, dancing around the table with other children. I stood with a group of other Moms to watch the cuteness. She saw me, started shooing me away with her hand as she said, "No Mommy, I don't WANT to go home YET!" What a change. Embarrassed when I dropped her off because she clung to me like we'd never been apart a moment in her life. Embarrassed when I picked her up because she acted like she could care less about going home with me.
I laughed so hard, you are stinkin hilarious!- fortunately (well, maybe unfortunate) I have the children that literally run into the school without even a goodbye sometimes - i feel so unloved by them at times, but they are always excited to see me when I pick them up=)! As for change, yes it's hard sometimes, but usually for the better. Lately I have really been on a mindset to enjoy each and every moment of every day. Knowing Henderson was my last child and he is already almost 5 months old is what is doing it, but so often I end the day and think "what QUALITY time did I really spend with my children?" I'm such a type A personality that I spend too much time cleaning up and organizing and thinking about the NEXT thing, that I don't enjoy the NOW!!! Well, this is your blog, not mine, so I'll stop there! Love you!
I love that you capture all these moments on the blog. Thanks for sharing. Your babies are so beautiful! Can't wait to catch up soon.
I just love a good pooh story! Mom got her head pooped on by bird in a bird sanctuary. I laugh about it every time I think about it! This was a great post! I have to say I am cracking up that you didn't change her dress. You are hilarious! Love you! I so enjoy reading your blog!
You are so funny!
abby i have so enjoyed reading your blog. I don't know you at all, but am so inspired by your honesty and willingness to be real. I love that you had a first day outfit in mind and nothing was changing it... I can relate. The firetruck came to my son's school today and i made him a shirt with a firetruck on it. Who cares that it is long sleeve and 80 degrees... he was wearing it a looking cute!
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