At one point, Pace cried out, "Mommy! somebody just took something!" I glanced down to be sure my purse was still there, and since it was, I reassured Pace that they were just picking out their groceries like I was. I finished up my shopping, unloaded my heavy laden cart, and as I picked up my purse to pay, suddenly felt my heart start racing at the realization that my wallet wasn't there. Pace's comment came racing back, and I just knew what had happened. My wallet had been stolen, and as I went to customer service to call the police, another lady came up who had just realized her wallet had been stolen as well.
I was angry. I felt violated. I felt sick as I realized that my birthday cash from Dad was still in my wallet, as well as several gift certificates and checks I'd been saving since before Christmas--just waiting for the perfect time to use them. I had two very tired and fussy girls, one of whom hadn't nursed in 5 hours. I needed those groceries and had no money to buy them. And I waited for over an hour for a policeman to show up to write down some facts that I knew very well he was never going to do anything about. Pace told us that the man who took my wallet was a black man, with a black shirt and a hat. The eery feeling of a big arm reaching down between my two innocent children to steal from me--the thought of him making eye contact with Pace, below the rim of his hat--the heartlessness and brashness of a person willing to steal from a mom in the middle of the day--all of it just kept sending chills down my spine.
If you would, pray for me. Pray that my wallet gets found and that I get all this crap worked out with my checking and savings accounts. And I'll leave you with what Pace tells people whenever they ask her about the Walmart incident, "A mean man stole Mommy's wallet, but she didn't give him a spanking!"
(The picture above is M'Apple's first time getting to sit in the cart like a big girl. We are at Sams, and Pace was beyond excited about getting to sit with her sister.)
Abby, I'm so sorry! I know how you feel and Matt is irate at what has happened to you and your sweet girls. We'll pray for you and again, I'm sorry!
Abby! I'm SO sorry! Our Walmart is so ghetto. People on the C'wood yahoo group talk about theft there all the time. I'm not allowed to go without Ben. When we go, we'll separate to speed up the shopping trip, and I notice young men there lurking behind people with no grocery cart or anything else to indicate they are there for legitimate reasons. Ben has just now decided that we are baiting them next time and we'll take care of those mean men! I recently left my media card in the photo center, and it was gone when I came back one hour later. I didn't even bother to report it because I know they won't do anything about it. Even though there are cameras everywhere, I doubt they'll do anything to help you. I sure hope you get it resolved! You need all the prayers you can get, along with the BPD!
Abby, That is awful! I am so sorry. I hope something happens... That could have easily happened to me also. That will teach me to be more careful. Lauren
Oh, Abby, I've just prayed, and I just hate that this happened to you. Oh, that would make me absolutely sick, too! Gosh, how mean people can be...especially to a mommy with little ones!
I am so sorry, Abby, but I'm so glad nothing physical happened to you or the girls. I know it'll take some time to get over this mentally. I shop a lot at Walmart, too, but I'm hating it more and more.
It was really good to see you last night.
oh Abby, how awful!! I wish I could do something for you! That is the Walmart I usually go to...now I'm scared! Hopefully they will catch the guy. So good to see you at the park:)
Trust God, and pray for this man. Matthew the apostle and Zachias were both tax collectors and no doubt skimmed off the top...but Jesus stepped in to their lives.
Bless your heart! I know you are absolutely sick about it! Too bad the world can't be full of people like you and your family...we wouldn't have anything to worry about then!! :) God will get you through this time! You are in my thoughts and prayers daily!
Abby, I'm so soory! This happen to me in church, I put my purse in the pastors office along with all the other Bell Ringer Gal's and when we came back my wallet was gone. Now when I go to any store, I close my purse and strap it with the child straps in the buggies. I pray that the man gets caught and your wallet returned.
So sorry Abby. I have had a similar experience and know the awful, creepy way it makes you feel. I'll be praying for you. Just glad to know that you and the girls weren't harmed.
What a terrible experience. You feel violated because you WERE! Thankfully your most precious cargo went unharmed! What about the store's cameras? Maybe they got a shot that you all could go through to pick out the "bad guy." I am so sorry. I save checks, gifts cards too and hate that you lost those. :( Praying that the Lord will enable you to forgive him.
Walmart IS CHAV, people...why do you pretend its a nice place to shop for goodness sake...and you know what? Don't leave your purse open for people to steal...Grow Up!
p.s. C.H.A.V. - Council House Adult Vermin
This last comment came to us all the way from the UK! Who knew they even had Walmart over there? Such a nifty little acronym from across the pond...and a sweet spirit as well :)
I completely understand the feeling of being violated. About two weeks before Carter was born, my purse was stolen out of my car at the BP on Green Springs and Lakeshore WHILE I was standing there pumping gas. I remember being thankful that Carter was not yet born and in the car. I would have really freaked out. But I was disturbed for several weeks. The thought of that guy at Walmart reaching down right beside Pace gives me chills too. I am so sorry!!!
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