Desperate times...

(Rigged by Jeremiah when he walked into the non-air-conditioned house where I'd been cooking for the last hour.)

(Rigged by Jeremiah when he walked into the non-air-conditioned house where I'd been cooking for the last hour.)
My mother could never resist torturing us either ;) And don't worry, I did reassure her that there weren't any.
Awesome!!! In Birmingham, I'm gettin a g-baby TODAY!!!!
I love the fan set-up! I should've thought of that one! I know it worked! :O) It can get soooo hot in Seattle...Who knew? I know...I NEVER DID...until....Stay cool...go for a swim!!! Make salads and stay out of the kitchen!!! You are reminding me that...I pray, Ashley's hubby, gets new orders for the South! :O)
We were in Canmore, Canada earlier this summer (between Calgary and Banff), and you actually had to pay money to use a buggy! They had them hooked up like the luggage carts at the airport.
Aug. 7th is National lighthouse Day. Washington State has many Lighthouses as does the Seattle area. Thought you would like to know . Visit a lighthouse everybody if you can today National Lighthouse day.
Should you decide to engage in researching your family history while in Seattle the National Archives has a depository of genealogy records not every big city has such a thing. How lucky for you to consider this opportunity --- it would probably make for an inserting sightseeing trip. The site has a web page think about it or you could facilitate research for a family member building a family tree.
Just wanted to share this blog with you; I think you will enjoy some of the lovely imagery taken from this Pacific Northwesterner's day to day in Seattle.
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