Although I've been planning and dreaming about (as in, June I started planning) the amazing, hand-made, lovingly toiled over Christmas presents I was going to create for my nearest and dearest this year...Although I spent the money on
allllllllll the materials...I realized about a month ago that they simply were not going to come to fruition
this Christmas. SO, I dreamed a new HANDMADE dream, bought
allllllllllll the materials, and started afresh. Until I realized on Monday night (with tears in my eyes) that the eight hours it took me to make ONE was going to be hard to complete for all
seven female family members. I didn't let it go though (even when I had to fight Jeremiah to keep him from prying the needle from my fingers), until I pulled my one masterpiece out of the dryer and saw that my super-cool "textured" fabric was UNRAVELING.
And now, it's 12:45 in the morning, 8 days before Christmas, and I have a lot of good intentions with only one partially
defunked product in my basement/craft area--that now looks like a field of broken dreams. Excuse me while I rub this large knot in my neck so that I can type again.......
Can I please just show you a few happy pictures and maybe a few crafts that
have turned out right? And you can pat yourselves on the back as you look at my
measly cookies and know that all your presents are wrapped
snugly and awaiting nothing but your loved-ones eager hands on Christmas morning. I know you're all ready. Don't you lie in those comments to make me feel better.

I was in charge of the favor for Pace's class' Christmas party (I wish you could follow that '
lil arrow at the bottom of the page and see the back is even more CRAMMED full with writing than the front. It's my own fault. I mean, I do it to myself. USE YOUR PRINTER DO-DO BRAIN!)

My Lucy also got baptized this weekend...Isn't she beautiful?!!!!

And isn't she really
theirs and not mine :) Not this week she isn't! Ha, HA! (I sound crazed don't I? This is why I shouldn't blog in the middle of the night)

We have also had a lot of really fun Christmas parties. And, at some of them I had the opportunity to be "that inappropriate woman with children."

And at some of them, I got to be a grown-up, without my little chicken wings!

Like here, at my book-club Christmas party in
Bryan's loft. (This picture, and the group shot below, were taken by Stephen
Fitts. Hey Stephen, if the
lawyering doesn't work're a pretty awesome photographer :))

Does it make anyone
else's heart leap for joy that
Stephanie took the time, not only to make mini-cake bites, but to place a flag for every book we've read over the past year in each one??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love these women. I seriously do not know how I am going to move to Seattle and leave them behind...

And I'll end with one last shot of a project I
did complete. "cold noses..."

"warm hearts."

Abby- everything looks great. Those cookie happies are precious! And yes- next time- printer is a must for all of those recipe cards (even though you have great hand writing).
Loved seeing Pace and Dapples in their little outfits last weekend. Precious.
ok--if that is the favor that you take to Pace's class---I have really got to step up the favors I take for Reese's parties!! Those are super cute--and Reese's class gets whatever I can find in the Target dollar bins! : )
I think you are MUCH to hard on yourself! It all looked great! I know the class enjoyed it all! You are beating yourself up for NO reason at all! Your work is perfect! The last shot was the best of all! Enjoy the Season!!!! Relax, kick back and smell them flowers! Gods Blessings!
Abby-just got done writing about the holidays!!! UGHHHHHHHH.
Big hugs....
Love the shirts-Lucy is a dumpling, cuttie pie!!!
Abby - can the Flossy Fitch make something for kittens?
just want you to know that I'm thinking about you today!!! 11:11
Been a tough week, thinking of you all. So proud of the great wife and mom you are. Praise our Lord for our Lucy:)
I didn't comment yet... but I'm back to say I loved this post. Love the cake pops ... so very very fun and you look beautiful on your date night!!!
Just want you to know I've been thinking of you and praying for you and your family the last few days. I hope ya'll have a wonderful Christmas!
Hey Abby!
Hope all is well with your family and that y'all had a wonderful Christmas. I just wanted to let you know that I have changed our blog address and revamped it a little. The new one is
Take care!
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